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Android Version ???


Any plans for Android


i think there might be a problem, everytime I try to go with Zenith, it just freeze's my screen on the "fade to black"  

hey I'm new to and I don't know how to actually start the game, i downloaded it but, i don't know how to start it... can someone tell me how?

Just extract the .Zip and look up for the "Application" archive. Then double click.

What do u mean by "extract .zip"? 

(sorry i have no idea how files work)

The whole download thing is named as (somename) ".zip". it ends with .zip. That's what you right click on and click on "extract as ...."

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Do you have an email Amorous Team? If so, I would like to make a game request if that's okay

Dont think the dev is active anymore, he was caught up in some controversy i believe.

Will they ever make one for Android




Lex wins the award for most gender character in a furry porn game

So far i love the game i just have one issue. Loading a save into a date breaks it. like every single time. its so frustrating


hey so i noticed that when ever i try to save while at a choice that when i load that save my entire screen just goes black and i can't do anything, does anyone else have this issue and if so has anyone found a fix?


Be like me: save before interacting with npcs and restart before every choice (im suffering)

YES! that happens every time I try to go with Zenith!


Just a heads up your official website link on steam leads to fake virus tech support scam sites.

God tier game.

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imagine this thing can have the chance to make mods

would be in his prime


will you make an Android version?

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can you play this on chromebook?

yes, download the Linux version, then enable linux in your Chromebook settings, I can help you more if you need it, just need another way to contact you (phone, discord, telegram, etc) so we don't clog the comments

Heya, I downloaded this apk on my Chromebook, but now idk what to do next, can you help? I enabled Linux but still don't know what to do

Currently Having so many issues playing the game. Not a single save file is working correctly. The phone isn't showing up and the game keeps freezing. Is there anything I can do to fix it?

try the steam version

Steam, same problem 


If possible, could you release a Android APK version


can i run this on a 2004 apple ibook g4? just wondering.

no. no i cant

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I think bro needs an upgrade

yes, yes you can, you can run it at 1 fps with pixels all over your screen


you can make an apk version for mobile devices

Interacting with Zenith crashes/breaks the game on windows. It fades out right after I click on him, and doesn't fade in at all.

When is the next update?


Plis android


Its no longer under development, no mobile version


Mobile version plz


My God I would love a mobile version


god would not approve of a mobile version


Mobile version pls👉


In my opinion the best porn game I have and will ever play. I went into it thinking it would just be a simple porn game but it is so interesting how well the characters were made. I'm righting this after my first hookup (Lex) and this will probably be the only porn game I will play from now on.


i wish we had a pussy


We really need more updates or a continuation, this game is awesome, but it doesn't have much replay options, starting from saves doesn't give you much wiggle room for choices depending on where you saved and interactions are too long to restart completely, you can't redo dates or anything meaning unless you do the sex scenes you really can't commune with the characters again, I myself really like Lex, Zenith, Skye and Seth, and was kinda disappointed upon learning I couldn't do anything else with them. More characters would be nice or at least some added features, but I'm not top pressed on that topic.

The only real problem I had with the characters themselves was that some of their unhealthy behaviors didn't seem to be solved or fixed, if you decided to take the asshole route you could tell Skye you basically don't like her natural fur color which just destroys the whole final date emotionally, Lex was a bit weird as well as I chose the "both" route with gender and was a tad bit confused when the scene came to play, but that's not a big deal. 

Considering it's a free game about dating furries it's quite good and an 8/10, my only true issue is coby, by the time I realized he was my step bro it was too late.


Whenever I try to run this it doesnt run and creates a new log for the game


I want amorous to continue, I really liked you, and add more girls because there were more boys than girls, so make more girls and please don't cut corners, always continue as usual and see the future of amorous, but even though it's hard, but believe that you can do it, drop it It's hard and good so please continue if amorous and the girls in the game I really liked them in Iker skay and rex and also the sequel game of amorous 2 and know that all the fans believe in you and want there to be a sequel to amorous so please continue if it's amorous thank you Haida the biggest fan of the game amorous

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