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just finished zenith , i have a bit of a soft spot for dragons XD.

I attempted to slow burn the romance (start off casual and slowly grow in romance) , both the main character and zenith misunderstood my intentions but that is fine i suppose.

i figured i'd try something and instead of going like an atomic bomb of romance (very fast and very hot all at once but over just as fast) i figured i'd be more like a campfire (not as hot but a nice steady burn that last a long time).

I guess it wasn't a complete failure as long as just ignore the dialog the suggest that it wasn't planned.

i've pretty much dated all the others anyways but it's been a while so i figured i'd start again with the 1 character i haven't dated at all yet :)
but outside of the species favoritism skye is still by far my favorite character when it comes to personality.

i'm also waiting for some visual novels to get updates as well and i know this game is good for entertainment since been playing it since before it was on steam and you had to go to their own site to get the game.


oops... XD so apparently loading a save from in the middle of a conversation breaks the game. loaded it and.... no UI :)

i have a kinda soft spot for Dating Sims. I've always heard of this games and have seen a few friends play it but to play it myself its a different story. My interactions with the characters i went after where very engaging and amazing so much that it broke my writers block. I do hope to see this game continues and each characters stories are continued or even more characters to meet with greater stories! heck even a Amorous 2 would be a great thing even but Thank you for making a fun game. I hope to find more of your work soon!

Ok, so I'm stuck on the cooking with Remy, how do I do it right? I keep getting the shit-pasta

wait like 5 seconds between adding each ingredient then when the finish cooking pops up at the bottom wait 5-10 seconds. You can save and reload right at the start of the minigame to ensure you have plenty of tries


hey, is there a fix for the resolution bug?

I have it on 1080P and it's all weirdly zoomed in!

(1 edit)

You need to add more pls. I love this game


i really like this game and it make me happy its still alive. great work 


Yo can u make mobile pls


The game is very good, has engaging characters, you can do anything, besides special minigames, but I think it would be even better if it had an android version, then it would be five stars!!!

If you experianced an black screen, try the old 1.0.3 version.


could you please add in more female characters I think Skye is the only one but I might also just be a idiot great game either way

There's two, Skye and Remy


not to sound rude or anything but some characters are a little broken like the dragon by the door i tried talking to him but all i got was a black screen the music was still there and the mouse i could still move it but that's it if you could can you check that out please 

Hi, try the 1.0.3 version. It's worked for me.


How do you download 1.0.3? The latest is 1.0.4 and there isnt any option to download older versions.

Normally, if you use the luncher, you can go to the option and select another version on a list.


Remy's naked pictures doesn't show up. the game crashes

(1 edit)

the linux port is busted

Edit: the fix is to copy the gui folder in the assets, and have one named GUI, and the other Gui


I was trying to click on zenith the green dragon and i'm stuck in black screen on the version 1.0.4.

Can you fix it ?


Are there new characters in the game? Its been a good few years since I played this.


as far as i can tell there is a few new background characters in the club since i've played a long while ago but no new dateable characters.

i kind of wish they add some interactions at least, maybe just some friendly banter that doesn't lead up to anything romantic or sexual for the currently background only characters,
i think that added depth would be nice and may even increase the value of the already dateable characters because we can compare them and the background characters could even friendly banter about the dateable characters.

but likely wont be done at least for some good amount of time if it ever would be.

I have watched your game be played on fabulous aura and sadly I don't have a computer although I do wish you could make a version for Android or any mobile devices


Whenever I try to talk to Zenith, I get stuck at a black screen. Tried all the "fixes" but nothing worked


Idk why but when im trying talk to zenith game giving me black screen

(2 edits)

when i download it i cant open it. there is also no shortcut in the screen i just see the data in my explorer
and its not avalible on steam in my country per link
i also didnt find it on steam :/


hey i really like the game, maybe you could tune down some of the trasphobia stuff though its a bit triggering and its not needed, theirs also not any homo phobia so?


But I really like that characters ask for your pronouns and make sure your comftebole; it is very realistic and matches my own experience. its nice too be acknowledged


That’s Jasonafex for ya


Still very disappointed that you can create a fursona without a penis but they magically grow one through gameplay. For a game that advertises itself as customizable, it's very unfortunate that you can't play with a fursona that has a vagina, which about half of real-life people have.


I'm surprised you went through the warning that shows right after you make a character with such characteristcs explaining such behaviour and still came here to post about it.


If anything, adding a strap-on harness or something would've made sense. Or given customization for a strapless dildo or something. Maybe for a future update?


Did I stutter? Warning or not, it's disappointing.

The warning should have been on the download screen, not after users already download the game


Can you do Android version please


This game is amazing! Perhaps one of my favorites. It would be reallly cool to have some interesting mechanics where you can also hinder your relationships with characters, idk, ideas are good but the game itself is great and you arent even finished. It would also be cool if you could talk to every character in the game, like the backround characters. All in all, this is one of the best furry games i have played and its not even done. Good Work!


My friend recommended me this game, I hate it so much

You sound like a sad person


Having an an noying bug. Whenever I load into a conversation, none of the options show up and I stay stuck there. I have to close the game, reopen it and go to an earlier save outside of conversation.


female mode when


i loved this game soo much very good game :)


Yeah, i should use an android build. :p


Android version would be awesome, so I can play anywhere *wink*


i'm geting an error while trying to talk to zenith,the game goes to a black screen and stuck.

(3 edits)

i am fix bugs need again download and replace files

I was trying it


Could this run on window 6


No offense, but why are you using vista.

I'm using exagear on android

I thought you meant Windows.

exagear is a Windows emulator

(2 edits)

i have a bug, all cutscenes with Coby doesn't works, all dialogues with Coby and cutscenes crushes the game. i'm playing on 1.0.4


I will try to play.


o jogo é ótimo mas pena que não tenhe para android 😟


can we get a android port please


Whenever I try to approach Zenith, my game gets stuck on a black screen. I close the game and reopen it to try again, but the same thing happens. There's also a few other bugs, but they aren't much of a problem


Encountered a few bugs playing 1.0.4 today. Most notably if I make a save on a multiple choice option and then later reload that save, the choices, and dialogue, are missing and the game is softlocked, requiring me to force quit and effectively bricking that particular save file. Also, on the more minor end, trying to look at the extra of Remy's nudes from her contact page just resulted in pulling up the phone menu again, but not interactive, also softlocking (though that's obviously a less common scenario, and much more specific).


Im on Windows 10 on an HP laptop. I tried a few months ago to play the game but it continued crashing as soon as i pressed "start". then i couldnt re-open the game again so i had to uninstall and install but the same thing keepd happening. can someone tell me if the game is fixed? Id appreciate alot.

how did you play the game? when i download it there are just the datas in my explorer

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