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I advice you all just get out from your furry suits and go outside talk to other REAL people.

(1 edit) (+22)

not possible, people arent real




Your mother.


honestly, this game was such a huge success and a big step forward to furry nsfw games, I don't know why not continue it, though I'm pretty sure they will never read this. 


They are. They announced that a sequel is in development.


wait really? I did not know that, thank you so much for the info. 


You're welcome! They tweeted a straw poll to let us vote who will come back for the sequel. And since Remy and Dustin had the least votes, chances are, they will most likely be replaced with new characters.


Okay I get Dustin, I never liked Dustin, but wtf why Remy?! Remy is a cutie, damm no respect for the elders lol and once again thanks for the info, I had no clue about this.


They WHAT, where, gimme a link


Where did they announce it?


At first I was like nooo! because both of them are really hot, but then I thought deeper and was like good riddance. they both have really shitty personalities. Remy for letting her shithead friend dictate who she goes out with and Dustin for still being with his ex while on the phone, also I feel he's got more going on, like open his freezer and theres a severed head inside or something.


I wonder if the devs ever plan to add female/female scenes


they finished the game long ago, it won't happen. 


they could remaster this or add more content and customization... why continue with bare backstreets.



(1 edit) (+2)

Does anyone know if the game can be modded? I wanna change the dialogue and some animations if it's possible? 


they are working on Bare BackStreets so I don't think this game will get a second part or a Android support version, though, people only complain about their second game being really buggy and messy, I haven't tried it out yet but I just don't really care.


Is this safe to download? 


no is not safe there are Furrys 

(1 edit) (+5)(-2)

I’m down to see furrys uwu But No as in like viruses


Yes it is.


get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head

Where is the Android vertion? it would be nice to have it in Android too :'(


might be a little late to the party you could say but anyone know how to get the scene with the bartender? ive tried everything yet i cant figure out how and im pretty sure theres a scene with him

when he breaks the bottle, pay for it

i tried that he only like thanks you and then you get back to his regular options

dont flirt with him he doesnt really like that and just be nice and as the guy said pay for the broken glass

pay for the broken bottle, refuse the change back


Is there any way to avoid male/male interactions? I'm personally not into it but this is still a wonderfully made game.


only engage with females


The game is great. I would be happy to see more animals to chat with.

love this game


thia game was brilliant, wish there were more characters or chances for a threesome etc


dude, you gotta make saving work while mid conversation.


Seeing as this game is finished and I rather enjoyed it; can anyone recommend any similar games

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Are there futas?


No, only the main char if you make one as a char


Yes, there is a goat named Mercy


Tho not really a futa anymore.

Jason changed it to be a trans.


Will there eventually be a mobile version???


There probably won't, they finished the game and don't think they care much for mobile, alot of features need keybinds.


hi are there any update soon ?

Deleted post

Why is it when I close the game my save file is gone.

you probably didn't save


I played this game on steam, not itch, but I got to say. This game is by far one of the better "Furry Sex Games" I have so far played, if you are looking for a semi-skill based game where you need to edge yourself before you can fuck the one you desire. This is for you. Also FUCK YOU REMI I SCREWED UP YOUR COOKING GAME AND YOU DELETED MY NUMBER. Seth is my favourite followed by Zenith and Jax. Thanks for reading. ( Fun Fact: My steam review just said " i like green cat " )


Is there anal scene?


If I remember correctly, most scenes are anal, but the ones I can remember from the top of my head are Seth ,Jax, Mercy, Dustin and Zenith

Hope this helps you!


Every time I do something in this game I feel extremely lonely


can we get more dates preferably female for me 


The game is finished so there is most likely going to be no more updates except for bug fixes.


i do wish they’d make a sequel as the game honestly feels unfinished. This game has a lot of potential and i’d just like to be able to be more in depth with the characters






I Wanted play this. But I own Android....


I know the game is finished and all, but I'd still like if there was more, more dates, more interactions, more of the characters we love




What does this game have to do with half life?

(1 edit) (+1)(-15)

Im just saying the game is an dumpster fire watch rerez's video.


Can you add more areas to explore please? Preferably, like the shopping center you go to for the first date with, or the library you go to with Seth. Maybe add more NPCs, you know, even out the genders?

I'm not saying it's a bad game, I love it! I'm just saying it's too short and doesn't have many characters.

I am with the things you are doing, but please at least add more characters and areas such as make the two girls from Skye's first date intractable along with all the other characters found in all the other dates and all the areas in the date.



Game is dead..




more girls please and do something about the playing as female option too. this would be a really good game once its not just focuses mainly gay content it would be awsome if you could make it like this: girl to girl, boy to girl. boy to boy and this will be a totally succesfull game. 

-idea of the game: love it.

-costumizable characters: love it.

-dateble characters: pretty good.

ps:if you actually take my advise and do more girls and girl to girl content this game will be my 1st on my top 10 list.  :) 


Game is dead..


would you mind explaining how this game is dead. Because I thought they just finished it


Mobile support when?


would be cool if the game didn't trap my cursor in window mode, also there's a bug with loading saves, they're loading as black screen and it makes saving in the game at all pointless 'cause they just don't work


«Fursona Maker / Character Creator with content for all gender, body-type and personality preferences.»

This is false advertising... I don't really care that there's no option to play as an AFAB character and still get the full experience, but this is misleading wording. I mean, if all the sex scenes have your character have a dick, just be clear about it.


HELP! ican't interact with the dragon dude on the second floor,
every time i interact with him the screen goes black.


I experienced this before, with the same character too. Try to delete your game (resets all your saves but might fix? ) but for me I just downloaded it on a new laptop and it worked fine.

save just before then immediately load  from that save worked for me


I would absolutely love a mobile APK version too would make it so much easier to travel with especially when I can't seem to bring my PC with me.


I only have cromebook, is there a browser version?


nope you need windows or mac


Pls make a Spanish vercion :c

Deleted post











The mac version doesn't seem like it wants to run even after extracting the app.  Any way that it can be fixed again?

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